Closed joint stock company lenzoloto. We will buy expensive shares of Lenzoloto PAO

Press release

OJSC Polyus Gold

Changes in the management of OJSC Lenzoloto

OJSC Polyus Gold (the “Company” or “Polyus”), the largest gold producer in Russia, announces that Valery Fedorovich Konstantinov, who held the position of General Director of OJSC Lenzoloto, has been elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Lenzoloto. Maxim Aleksandrovich Semyanskikh was appointed General Director of Lenzoloto OJSC on December 1, 2014.

Mr. Semyanskikh has significant experience in managing alluvial assets and implementing modern management systems and business processes at mining enterprises. He joined Polyus in September 2014 as Director of Placer Mining Development. Prior to this, for almost ten years he directly supervised the work of alluvial assets of CentroCredit Bank in the Magadan region. He also held leadership positions in the implementation of the bank's coal mining project in the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia and led a number of other projects.

Mr. Semyanskikh graduated from the State University of Land Management (Moscow), and also has an MBA degree from the Institute of Business and Business Administration of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Valery Fedorovich Konstantinov has been working in the gold mining industry for more than 35 years. From 1990 to 1997 - director of mining production at the Lenzoloto production association, from 1998 to 2006 - director of Marakan CJSC (one of the Lenzoloto enterprises). From November 2006 to December 2014 – General Director of OJSC Lenzoloto.

Pavel Grachev, General Director of OJSC Polyus Gold, said:

“I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to Valery Fedorovich Konstantinov for more than eight years of successful work as General Director of Lenzoloto OJSC. Under his leadership, the holding overcame the crisis of the mid-2000s, organizational and technical measures were developed and implemented to increase operational efficiency, financial management, logistics, investment activities and other areas were improved, as a result of which the holding's enterprises consistently fulfilled production plans. As Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lenzoloto, Valery Fedorovich will focus on the development strategy of the Company’s alluvial assets, which will allow him to make maximum use of his vast experience.

In any region of Russia. Our main advantages:
  • 1 We offer really high prices.
  • 2 We have been engaged in transactions with securities for quite a long time, which has allowed us to evaluate a fairly large number of companies whose shares we buy.
  • 3 We have various payment options: payment in cash (directly at the registrar) or using bank details.
  • 4 Often, to conclude a transaction, we do not request an extract from you.
  • 5 personal income tax withholding does not occur.
  • 6 are ready to compensate for the costs of the registrar when conducting operations in the registry.
  • 7 free consultations.
  • 8 For your convenience, we have developed a form: fill it out and we will call you back!

When concluding a contract it is important:

  • - know the exact number of shares you own.
  • - you have a valid Russian passport (preferably with notes on previously issued passports).
  • - a power of attorney for you from the owner of the shares (if the person is acting under a power of attorney).

You can call us even if just:

  • - you are interested in how to sell Lenzoloto shares.
  • - you want to discuss our prices.
  • - want to receive detailed information about us.

Selling shares of Lenzoloto PJSC to us is a fairly easy process. Here is a general description of the process.

First of all, when selling shares, you need to make sure the number of shares and the correct name of the company. An extract from the register of shareholders or a ballot for voting at a general meeting of shareholders is best suited for this. But if you don’t have these documents in your hands now, then you shouldn’t be upset either. Just call us. In principle, this information is needed, among other things, so that WE can clearly determine which company shares you are selling. Sometimes enterprises in similar areas, or located in the same city, have almost the same names. Unambiguous identification of an enterprise is also possible using the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

If you still cannot find an extract or other documents, call us,
We will decide together what to do.

Let's say you know the name of the company (let's say Lenzoloto PJSC) and the exact number of shares you own. Next, you call us, and we will discuss the price with you and discuss in detail the entire chronology of the transaction. If everything suits you: we will meet with you to sign the purchase and sale agreement.

Now, in order to sell shares, you need to transfer them from your account to the buyer’s account (ours). Typically, shares received as a result of privatization (and subsequently, upon entering into an inheritance) are recorded in registrars that maintain registers of shareholders. The register of shareholders of an enterprise is “stored” in one registrar, which is authorized to re-register shares. To do this, the registered person (shareholder) must submit a special document - TRANSFER ORDER (WE prepare it). For the convenience of shareholders, we can sign an agreement and transfer funds directly from the registrar. This will make the transaction as simple as possible. Just one call to us and one meeting at the registrar.

With us you can sell your shares in Lenzoloto PJSC:
quickly and at the best prices.

We especially emphasize that this describes the easiest way to sell shares. Each case is unique. If the transfer of shares often takes place as described above, then payment occurs differently. There are three payment methods:
  • transfer of cash on the day of submission of the transfer order,
  • non-cash – the optimal method for large amounts,
  • through a safe deposit box - a new method that has already proven itself (completely similar to settlements through a safe deposit box that take place during real estate purchase and sale transactions). That is, the risks of the parties in this method are completely minimal.
for any payment options and this is specified in the contract:

the moment of fulfillment of our obligations is considered ACTUAL RECEIPT by you of funds in the amount specified in the agreement for the purchase and sale of shares of Lenzoloto PJSC.

Dear shareholder of Lenzoloto, if for some reason it is not convenient for you to call us, please fill out a special form that will appear when you click on the appropriate button. Filling out and submitting the form will take you no more than 5 minutes. Registration is not required. Our specialists will call you back as soon as possible. Thank you.

OJSC Lenzoloto

Lenzoloto is the largest gold mining holding company in Russia, which largely determines the economy of the Irkutsk region today. The company includes 11 subsidiaries. These are former mines that have become closed joint-stock companies: “Nadezhdinskoye”, “Svetly”, “Lensib”, “Marakan”, “Sevzoto”, “Dalnyaya Taiga”, “Nedra Bodaibo”, “Charazoto”, “Pervenets”, “Vysochaishy” and "Sukhoi Log".

Lenzoloto, the oldest gold mining enterprise in Eastern Siberia, dates back to 1921, when the Lena mines were nationalized.

The five-year activity of the English joint-stock company Lena Goldfields Limited brought the development to a complete decline. People demanded that the concessionaires be removed from management - and at the end of 1930 the enterprise again passed into the hands of the state. The Lenzoloto trust became the sole owner of a huge gold-bearing territory. Work in the flooded mines resumed, the abandoned Svetly mine came into operation, and construction of the Mamakan thermal power plant began.

The Great Patriotic War prevented the implementation of the master plan for the development of the Lena gold-bearing region. Department heads and mine managers went to the front. The production of the precious metal was rapidly declining... In 1944, the trust initiated an all-Union competition and, having completed the plan ahead of schedule, won it. For its invaluable contribution to the country's defense, Lenzoloto was awarded the highest government award in 1946 - the Order of Lenin.

The reconstruction of hydroelectric power stations along the Bodaibo River and the launch of the Mamakan hydroelectric power station allowed the enterprise to move on to mechanized mining of placers. From 1957 to 1971, 14 dredges were installed and put into operation, including the most powerful in the world - with a bucket with a capacity of 600 liters.

At the end of the 1960s, the trust was transformed into a mining and processing plant, and that, in turn, into the Lena Production Gold Mining Association. The use of new earthmoving equipment - walking excavators and heavy bulldozers - marked the beginning of the introduction of a hydromechanized method of developing placers.

In 1992, Lenzoloto Production Association was transformed into a joint stock company. And after another five years - into an open joint-stock company. Since 1995, the company has been headed by Vladimir Kochetkov, a graduate of the Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute, academician of the International Academy of Real Economics, honorary miner, author of 20 inventions and 30 scientific papers on the problems of the gold mining industry, holder of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the Badge of Honor. The restructuring of the company carried out on his initiative made it possible to change the attitude of employees towards work. As a result, gold production increased from 4.7 tons in 1997 to 7.5 in 2000 and to 9.7 tons in 2003. Under the leadership of Vladimir Stepanovich, two factories were built: the Zapadny mining and processing complex and the Vysochaishy mining and processing complex. With the direct participation of Mr. Kochetkov, a development program until 2005 was drawn up, providing for an increase in the production of yellow metal to 15 tons per year. This will allow us to double contributions to budgets at all levels and ensure a decent standard of living for the population of the region.

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