1c management of a small company CRM. Publications

The program “1C: Managing Our Company 8.3” (1C: UNF) automates all types of accounting (financial, production, warehouse, trade, personnel) in a small enterprise, and also simplifies business analysis and planning.

  • Custom and serial production accounting
  • Production cost planning
  • Execution of work according to work orders and schedule
  • Personnel accounting and calculation wages
  • CRM system and marketing
  • Planning costs, expenses and income
  • Wholesale and retail
  • Sales planning and management
  • Integration with VETIS (FGIS Mercury)
  • Integration with the 1C-Bitrix platform
  • Connecting commercial equipment

Full description

1C:Management of a small company

Solution "1C: Management of our company 8" (formerly 1C: Management small company) is equally suitable for representatives of different industries: builders, wholesalers and retailers (including online stores), service companies. 1C: Managing our company 8" based on "1C:Enterprise 8.2" allows you to use the following features:

  • Planning meetings and calls, manager loads, sales and needs
  • Storing information about assortment items, prices,
  • Client monitor: all client data: amount of debt, amount of sales, date of last sale and last event
  • Customer analysis: sales funnel, ABC/XYZ, debt
  • Analysis of managers on revenue, debts, events, orders, sales dynamics, implementation of sales plan
  • IP telephony and calls via mobile app

  • Automation of business operations:
  1. By wholesale sales and wholesale purchase of goods and services;
  2. for retail sales - work with trade equipment, cash register equipment in accordance with 54-FZ, reports on retail sales, mobile solution.
  3. for acceptance and transfer of goods for commission
  • Integration with an online store
  • Automation of planning, provision and analysis of services
  • Managing the delivery of goods to customers directly in 1C:UNF. Collaboration with the Yandex.Delivery service.

  • Maintaining production records - custom and serial.
  • Accounting for production and semi-finished products
  • Control of all stages of production and order fulfillment
  • Analysis of the implementation of piecework orders.
  • Planning of direct and indirect production costs

  • Accounting inventory, supply and procurement
  • Reception of all goods arriving at the warehouse, indicating quantities and prices. In “1C:UNF” you can indicate the receipt of services provided and the previously transferred advance payment.
  • Transfer of inventory between warehouses, divisions and cells.
  • Registration of sales of goods from the warehouse, taking into account prepayment or discounts provided.
  • Fixation of the supply process using various schemes.
  • Accounting for receipts and all related transactions.
  • Carrying out inventory of the warehouse.
  • Reporting for analysis of goods and warehouses, and procurement planning.

  • Formation of price lists with flexible settings based on many parameters
  • Comparison of item prices for the period
  • Analysis of sales prices and use of discount cards

  • Formation of budgets (BDR, BDDS and BBL)
  • Planning of direct and indirect costs, income and expenses
  • Keeping records of income and expenses
  • Plan-actual analysis of budget execution, including by division
  • Formation of management balance: financial condition enterprise, structure of its assets, liabilities, condition equity
  • Accounts receivable and payable management
  • Analysis of the status of mutual settlements across a wide range of reports
  • Keeping records of tangible and intangible property

  • Registration of hiring, dismissal, personnel transfer
  • Keeping track of working hours in one program
  • Planning of staff load in the form of issuing work orders or piecework orders
  • Assessing the performance of each employee
  • Payroll calculation by types of accruals and deductions

Business analysis in 1C:UNF presented in the form of reports - general performance indicators: revenue, cost, gross profit, expense and profit, cash: information on balances and movement Money by item, for the period, settlements with customers (accounts receivable) for the period, including overdue debt and debt on time, settlements with suppliers (accounts payable) for the period, including overdue debt and debt on time, regular distribution of the “State of the Company” report .

  • General performance indicators: revenue, cost, gross profit, expense and profit.
  • Cash: information on balances and cash flows by item for the period.
  • Settlements with customers (accounts receivable) for the period, including overdue debt and outstanding debt.
  • Settlements with suppliers (accounts payable) for the period, including overdue debt and outstanding debt.
  • Regular distribution of the “State of the Company” report.

Submission of individual entrepreneur reports in the 1C:UNF program occurs by generating and sending all reports using the built-in 1C-Reporting service. Individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system, UTII and Patent can exchange statements, messages and notifications with regulatory authorities. The software product also allows individual entrepreneurs to generate reconciliation acts with the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, receive extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, control the timing and payment of taxes, and automatically fill out the income book.

  • Generation and sending of all individual entrepreneur reports on the simplified tax system/UTII/patent
  • Using the built-in 1C-Reporting service.
  • Exchange of statements, messages, notifications with regulatory authorities.
  • Formation of reconciliation acts with the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  • Control of deadlines and payment of taxes
  • Automatic filling of the income book

Exchange with sites. Integration with the 1C-UMI and 1C-Bitrix platforms.

Exchange with the bank. Transferring payment documents to the bank and receiving current account statements directly from 1C:UNF, bypassing the client bank. Connecting to the DirectBank service using cryptography ( electronic signature and encryption) or through login and password.

Fur marking. Working with RFID readers (RFID readers). Exchange of data with the State information system product labeling (GISM).

EDI Exchange of documents (invoices, contracts, delivery notes) with clients and suppliers in electronic form.

RIB Consolidation of territorially dispersed points into unified system through the creation of remote workplaces (RIW).

EGAIS. Connecting the Universal Transport Module (UTM) and processing EGAIS requests. Generation of receipt documents alcoholic products and accounting for discrepancies in the receipt of goods and services.

FSIS "Mercury". The solution is integrated with FSIS "Mercury" via VetIS.API (format 2) and allows you to comply with all legal requirements for working with the list of products controlled by Rosselkhoznadzor (exchange with Mercury is possible in version 1.6).

Mobile work in 1C:UNF - working with the program via the Internet or mobile application(connection of online cash registers, acquiring terminal and barcode scanner)

Also, the program allows you to set up data exchange with the popular solution “1C: Accounting 8”, which increases the transparency of accounting and makes the work of employees more efficient. And the presence of an English-language interface allows you to use the program for accounting in international companies.

1C:UNF simplifies preparation primary documentation, trade and production accounting documents, financial statements. The modular structure allows you to connect and disable a number of functions as needed - the user has everything he needs at hand and is not distracted by unnecessary things. A well-thought-out interface and the possibility of flexible customization to suit the specifics of the organization also simplifies the daily work of an accountant and manager.

The program "1C: Managing a Small Firm 8" is designed for trading, manufacturing and service companies that employ from 1 to 10 users.

1C:Fresh is access to 1C:Enterprise solutions via the Internet. You can work from anywhere - from the office, at home, while traveling, on vacation. There is no need to install anything on your computer; even the electronic signature key for submitting reports via the Internet can be stored in the cloud.

Advantages of working in 1C: Managing our company 8 through the 1SFresh service:

  • The usual program interface, but through the browser
  • To work you only need the Internet
  • 24/7 access from any device
  • 24/7 technical support from 1C
  • Access to the 1C:ITS system and services
  • Privacy and Data Security
  • Free access for 30 days
  • Free use for 1C:ITS PROF users

Cost of 1C: Managing our company 8 in the 1C: Fresh service - from 2,818 ₽ per month*
*price if paid annually for continuous service

Order 1C:Fresh now and get 30 days of free access!

Renting 1C in the cloud - all functions are available any time and anywhere you can connect to the Internet. Using 1C in remote access will help optimize the costs of an enterprise and increase its efficiency.

Advantages of working with 1C in the cloud:

  • Your 1C will never slow down again
  • Privacy and Security - Data Encryption
  • Access to the 1C program 24/7
  • Work in the program from any device
  • Connection in 2 hours
  • Regular automatic updates
  • Daily backup
  • Help from certified specialists
  • Free access for 7 days!

Rental cost of 1C: Managing our company 8 in the cloud - from 1,250 ₽ per month

Place your order now and get free access for 7 days in just 2 hours!

1C hosting - allows you to deploy modern accounting and financial programs with databases of any size on a dedicated cloud server. There is no longer any need to purchase expensive equipment to work with 1C and pay for it.

Advantages of 1C hosting service:

  • Instant access from anywhere in the world
  • Privacy and Security
  • Reliable service 24/7
  • Regular backups
  • Server administration and technical support

On this moment Virtual PBX from MegaFon is integrated with cloud and boxed versions 1C:UNF no lower than version

1. In MegaFon Virtual PBX, go to Settings - Integration with CRM - 1C Managing our company.

2. Clicking on the integration will open a description of how to configure this integration - then you need to follow the three listed steps.

3. In 1C, go to the CRM section - Even more opportunities.

4. Select MegaFon, go below to Integration Settings

5. In the “Cloud PBX Address” and “Cloud PBX Authorization Key” fields, enter the data from the integration settings.

6. In the settings below, add employees, indicate whether calls from known clients should be forwarded to personal managers, and also set up actions for an incoming call.

For known clients, you can automatically open a client card, a call card, or first a client card, then a call. For unknown clients, you can automatically create a client and go to their card, open the call card and create a client from there, or offer to select an action right now.

7. Compare Cloud PBX and 1C users. If you will be adding users, you should always match them here to display the information correctly.

8.Return to the PBX integration settings, click Connect. You will be redirected to integration settings

At the very bottom in the settings, you can enable the ability to redirect calls from clients to responsible managers,

if they do not answer, send this call to a specific manager or department.

The computer program 1C: Enterprise 8 Management of a small company in version 1.6.7 is equipped with additional features that will increase the efficiency of doing business, as well as allow for better accounting and control in the enterprise. In our article we will talk about a new section of the latest version of this program - CRM. We will understand its functions and the benefits that the reports generated with its help bring about the company’s performance indicators in general and the state of its sales in particular.

Features of the new CRM section in the 1C program

The CRM section, which appeared in the latest version of the 1C UNF program, is intended to provide more complete and efficient work with counterparties. Its tools allow you to:

· Work efficiently with the client base;

· Receive mail in real time and also send it;

· Generate and send email and SMS newsletters;

· Issue invoices for payments, demands, claims;

· Write out acts, invoices and all types of accompanying documents;

· Manage the sales department in automated mode.

As for the new tools that the developers have equipped with the 1C UNF Configuration program in version 1.6.7, these include the sales funnel and the Risks service, but we will talk about them below, and now we will continue to consider the fundamental differences between this version of the program and the much-loved 1C UNF 1.6.6.

First of all, this concerns its settings. In the new version of this program there are no longer the statuses we are used to, they have been replaced by states. For example, regardless of whether a customer's order is completed or cancelled, it will have a status of "Completed", and details of this are contained in the "Order Completion" tab.

The new version of the 1C UNF 1.6 program allows the user to independently organize the execution of orders in a manner convenient for him. This is very convenient for those companies that use different types orders, as this helps to more clearly control their implementation at each stage. For example, a company sells the same product both from a warehouse and through an online store. In the first case, order fulfillment requires such states as assembly in the warehouse, shipment and transportation, which are not acceptable for working with the site. There the order may be in a state - awaiting payment, transferred to the courier, etc. This functional addition to the 1C Small Firm Management 1.6 program facilitates the manager’s work and ensures transparency of the sales department’s work for management.

Basic CRM tools from the new version of the 1C UNF program

Let's start our review with the new service of the 1C UNF program, edition 1.6.7 - 1SPARK risks. It allows you to assess the reputation of counterparties, as well as clearly control all the risks that may arise when working with them. This service also allows you to perform high-quality investment analysis, which is necessary to make important decisions for your business.

A license to operate the 1SPARK Risks service is purchased separately. Before you start using it, you must activate the corresponding option in the 1C program Managing a small company, version 1.6.7. Now the reliability of each company’s counterparty can be assessed according to three criteria at once. The following indexes are provided for this:

· Financial risk;

· Due diligence;

· Payment discipline.

Their performance will be reflected in the counterparty’s card.

Second service new edition 1C UNF program is a sales funnel. It is a dynamic report that reflects the entire path of the order, from the moment of its formation to execution. But, most importantly, you can clearly see not only the status of all transactions on a certain date, but also their quantitative ratio, including conversion and cancellation. Moreover, the user even has the opportunity to see for what reason a particular order was canceled.

A sales funnel can be formed both in terms of counterparties and in terms of managers working with them. This report allows you to correctly evaluate the performance of the sales department as a whole.

If you have any questions, you can contact us in any way convenient for you.

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The purpose of creating commercial enterprises is to generate profit, the source of which is the timely satisfaction of consumer demand, accompanied by optimization of own costs. Achievement desired level income requires organizing the effective activities of personnel who embody the strategic plans of the company's managers. The small scale of the business should not become an obstacle to implementation modern technologies management. Intended for small firms, the UNF configuration includes many CRM system tools and provides managers with the necessary management tools.

Philosophy of CRM technologies

Software of this class is distinguished by its focus on increasing sales volumes through automation marketing operations, analysis of information about customers and their orders, comprehensive assessment of the activities of sales managers. To solve these problems in software include typical components:

  • Workplaces for front office employees, providing user authorization, the ability to work with the customer base, register sales and carry out other operations;
  • Centralized data storage;
  • Back office subsystem for middle and middle managers senior management, which implements the functions of planning work and generating analytical reporting of different sections.

It is assumed that by having CRM tools at his disposal, the manager will increase the “degree of customer satisfaction.” Based on the information from the system, he is able to predict the possible wishes of the client, formulate targeted commercial offers, maintain prompt communication with customers through various communication channels, that is, be an indispensable and desirable counterparty. Management, in turn, will know from the application data about various aspects of employee activities, plan and adjust their work in accordance with the selected guidelines.

Customer relationship management at UNF

In the application menu necessary tools collected in the CRM section. Here the user gets access to directories, document logs and operations, combined into logical groups:

  • “CRM” – includes a list of buyers, a calendar reflecting planned events and tasks;
  • “Events” – contains links to lists of typical events: calls, letters, SMS messages, scheduled meetings, by accessing which the user can plan work time and reflect the results of the work;
  • “Orders and invoices” – contains links to journals of orders and invoices for payment;
  • “Goods and Services” – provides access to a list of product items and templates for creating price lists;
  • “Planning” and “Analytics” - consist of tools for specialists whose responsibilities include monitoring sales;
  • “Service” – makes it possible to organize mass newsletters, create business process rules and access to the functionality of the 1SPARK Risks component;
  • Other tools.

1SPARK Risks is an application that automates tax risk management activities and assesses the reliability of partners. The user, having created monitoring for the counterparty in the UNF, will receive Risks from 1SPARK useful information subject to purchasing a license.

All about buyers

The interface contains tools that are common in essence, but at the same time allow you to increase the speed of the manager’s work by combining a variety of information:

  • The right panel contains tools for creating filters that enable selection of records, for example, those assigned to a specific manager;
  • Contact information is also displayed here, which eliminates the waste of time searching for it in other sources;
  • The tabular part contains the “Debt” column, the content of which is certainly useful when working with accounts receivable or tracking unfulfilled orders;
  • The “Dossier” button opens a window containing an overview of information about the partner in official sources, including state registers Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs/Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the company’s own information;
  • The “Buy”, “Sell” and “Events” buttons provide a quick way to create documents filled with data from the selected counterparty.

Systematic control is the key to effective work

The group includes reports that present summary data in accordance with the CRM philosophy:

  • Analysis of the counterparty base – reflects the dynamics of development client base by managers;
  • Analysis of managers' work - contains graphic and numerical characteristics illustrating the results of staff work in terms of revenue, number of orders, recorded events and existing customer debt;
  • Sales funnel - the form is named after a well-known marketing term, the content corresponds to the name, but is more specific: the report is built on the basis of the history of order status;
  • Events calendar and others.

The quality of reports depends on how fully employees interacting with clients record their activities in the program: to create many reports, a history of changes in order states is required. To others important factor is to create tasks for staff in the application and set up workflow rules. The quality of reports decreases if CRM tools are not used to their full extent.

This material contains short review CRM tools. With a detailed acquaintance, sales specialists will certainly find much more useful nuances in the UNF.

  • Create client cards and assign responsible managers for each;
  • Enter complete data about clients: full name, position, address, e-mail, telephone numbers, and also create additional fields and assign tags for easy searching;
  • Upload and export contact information from Excel, as well as Google address book;
  • Keep a register of documents for each client: write out invoices, contracts, invoices, closing documents;
  • Generate a report on the completeness of the completed information for each client and fill in the missing information;
  • Use the service for filling out and checking details using the client’s TIN, as well as checking and collecting information on clients*.

* The 1C:Counterparty service is available free of charge when using the cloud version of 1C:UNF, and also when purchasing the PROF level ITS service in case of using the boxed version of the program, you can also use the 1SPARK Risks service for an additional fee.

Effective interaction with the client base

  • Filter clients by 20+ criteria: responsible managers, sources of attraction, number of orders, turnover and others, analyze the data received and draw the right conclusions;
  • View customer addresses on Google Maps and Yandex.Maps and create effective logistics routes;
  • Create and save customer segments according to predefined parameters: regions, events, product range, debts and many others, and use the resulting segments when building analytical reports;
  • Create contracts, orders, work orders, document extracts and issue invoices from the general list of clients without going to the card, save your time;
  • Create events: calls, meetings, send e-mails and SMS messages;
  • Send mass mailings to customer groups selected by 20+ criteria so that customers receive from you only those offers that are interesting to them;
  • Keep a client log: view the specialists’ employment calendar, register clients, cancel appointments;
  • Download contract templates and commercial offers in 1C: UNF: the program itself will fill in the customer details in the contract and commercial proposal, and will also substitute the product range, prices and other information.

Build, analyze and compare end-to-end sales funnels, increase conversion at each stage

  • Build sales funnels based on leads, B2C and B2B clients, orders, work orders. Create an unlimited number of stages within each funnel;
  • Track overall conversion and conversion of each stage of the sales funnel in real time;
  • Estimate the duration of each stage of the funnel, draw conclusions and, based on them, carry out activities aimed at optimizing the stages;
  • Filter sales funnel data by 20+ criteria: by responsible managers, by sources of attraction, by segments and others;
  • Compare sales funnels according to various criteria, for example, you can compare the sales funnels of responsible managers to evaluate the effectiveness of their work;
  • Be aware of revenue and profit, as well as the profitability of orders, while in the sales funnel section;
  • Be sure that orders will always be profitable: collect orders from customers and confidently assign discounts. The program, taking into account the cost of production and other expenses, will warn you if the order becomes unprofitable;
  • Use virtual assistant Dasha. Set up its work, and it will independently move the order through the stages of the funnel, and also monitor the execution of orders.

Analyze the performance of your sales team by segmenting leads and clients based on various criteria. Work with repeat sales, reduce the duration of the sales cycle

  • Conduct ABC/XYZ analyzes of the customer base for effective use company resources, as well as obtaining the best result of repeat sales;
  • Analyze sources of attracting leads and orders, quickly evaluate conversion rates from lead to client for each source;
  • Explore sales funnels, optimize the duration of each stage of the funnel, as well as the sales cycle as a whole, evaluate conversion at each stage;
  • Track the status of payments, shipments, total and overdue debt, gross profit by clients, responsible managers, and other criteria;
  • Use other detailed sales analysis capabilities.

Set up access rights, plan the load of managers and create work tasks

  • Configure access rights for each manager only to a specific list of clients;
  • Assign tasks to managers and monitor their implementation;
  • Use the calendar to plan your working time, look at the calendars of other employees. Synchronize your calendar in 1C:UNF with Google Calendar for convenience;
  • Set sales plans for the sales department, as well as for each department manager separately, monitor the implementation of plans with one click of the mouse;
  • Compare the work of managers by the number of leads, clients, revenue, gross profit, total and overdue debt, as well as other criteria.

Control the effectiveness of advertising costs, evaluate the cost of attracting each client, as well as the profitability of each order

  • Add as many traffic sources as you like to CRM, define them into groups for convenient work, enter costs for each source in a given period of time;
  • Applications via e-mail and incoming calls will be automatically entered into the sources by 1C:UNF. You only need to indicate the costs for each;
  • If you use a separate phone and email for each source, link the latter to the source and find out how many calls and emails came from each;
  • Evaluate the cost of each client, the effectiveness of each traffic source, as well as the profitability of each order from each specific source;
  • Display sales funnels for each traffic source;
  • Analyze data and make decisions about future investments.

Improve the quality of service and do not lose your customers. Telephony in 1C:UNF will help you with this

  • Use IP telephony: handle incoming and outgoing phone calls. Integration with 60+ virtual PBX operators, including Mango Office, Dom.ru Business, Yandex.Telephony, Megafon, MGTS;
  • 1C:UNF recognizes your client by phone number, transfers the call to the responsible manager and immediately opens the client card;
  • If the number is determined to be unknown, 1C:UNF will open a new client card and you can fill it out;
  • Call the client from his card and from any list that contains his contact information;
  • View and listen to recordings of all calls, including missed calls in the section CRM programs 1C:UNF;
  • Keep missed calls under control: look in CRM to see which manager missed the call and when, and whether he called the client back.
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